I build fast websites.


Muhammad Zulzidan M

Diving into the digital world since 2019, I've honed my skills as a Front-End Developer, specializing in modern frameworks and CMSs. From educational platforms to e-commerce, my portfolio speaks volumes of my commitment to web development.


Having offered freelance services on platforms like Fiverr, I've transformed designs into responsive realities. My tenure at Institut Indonesia as a Full-Stack Developer added another feather to my cap, strengthening my skill set and broadening my horizons.


My key projects include the development of muhzulzidan.com, a GatsbyJS-powered blog, and islamtshirt.com, an e-commerce website leveraging the strengths of GatsbyJS and Shopify. Each project has been a learning experience, pushing me to explore and adapt.

A bachelor's degree in IAIN Bone. With experience since 2019, I've specialized in HTML, CSS, SCSS, GatsbyJS, ReactJS, TailwindCSS, Docusaurus, CockpitCMS, and ContentfulCMS. I've played pivotal roles in the development of muhzulzidan.com, a GatsbyJS blog, and islamtshirt.com, a static e-commerce website integrating GatsbyJS and Shopify. Currently, I'm upskilling through a Full-Stack Web Developer bootcamp, aiming for a profound opportunity in Full-Stack Web Development.

Interested in collaborating or learning more about my work? Feel free to reach out.